Welcome to My Mind....

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why I want to be a Power Ranger

First of all these guys and ladies were the dankest of the dank. Coolest uniforms, badass weapons, megazords and the ability to teleport... I am so in. The fact that you don't get to tell anyone what you do really keeps your ego in check. I always loved the show growing up watching these teens going out, battling evil and always saving Shady Grove from the villians who attacked it. Looking back now I would still become a Power Ranger regardless of cheesey it got at times because lets face it.. .the orginal Power Rangers were like demi-gods with their fighting abilities.
The biggest problem was keeping their identity a secret but in the long run aren't alot of things better when you don't have groupies out the ying yang? Knowing you saved the day from evil and people respect you for what you do is a lot simplier without a face attached to it. Egos don't inflate because you are known for what you do not who you are. As the male or female serving as a kind of guardian angel for your city its a relief to be able to live a semi normal life and be able to see the gratitude without having to deal with any kiss asses or jealous friends because the spotlight tends to gravitate to certain people more than others. This destroys the team itself from within.
The excitment of the unknown has to be a rush. Wondering if someone will figure out you are a power ranger, or what crazy battle you are going to be in today. It tests your individual skills as well the teams cohesion. The confidence that being a Power Ranger provides and control of the mind and body. It sounds pretty sick going into a fight where everything is black and white; good vs. evil and knowing aganist all odds that good will trumiph.
I keep wishing reality was that simple which is why even today as a grown woman I would jump at the chance to be a Power Ranger. No blood, no gore, no watching friends die. No doubts on if after all the blood and dust settles and the fight is over if you made a positive impact on the world. No doubts as to wether or not you will be remembered as a hero or if you actions are concieved as good to the surrounding people. In Shady Grove the Power Rangers were always heroes. Knowing every action I made was the right one to save the city and everyone was grateful would make it worth it. Well that and the badass weapons I would get in addition to all the other perks...

1 comment:

  1. you are better than a power ranger...

    you are a united states marine!
